Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Madison had her first trip to church on Sunday and she did great! We went to Brandy and Eddy's church to see Sarah "sing." It was hilarious!
We have an appointment with a gi specialist on the 9th of January. Today has been a very good day with her reflux. She has not vomited once today. *knocks on wood* I put her back on the soy based formula. The super expensive Nutramigen gave her horrible gas and did not help the reflux. I also tried getting the Enfamil brand instead of the Target brand. I know the ingredients are the same but maybe there is some tiny difference because she is doing great on it so far.
We have been to three Christmas parties her Grandaddy's office party, the Carter party and the Storey party. It was unbelievable how great she did. She never did get too fussy and she was so happy to see everyone. I am super excited about her first Christmas and I know that it will only get better each year, until she hits the teenage years :O/ LOL!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

As I type this I am knocking on wood. Madison has not thrown up all day!!!! Dr Malone increased her Zantac and Reglan to 3 times a day and put her on a very expensive formula but that is fine so long as it helps her. I am getting very excited about her first Christmas and her first Christmas party is tomorrow afternoon. Now, what shall she wear?????

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Madison has been eating baby food for about a month now. She has really got the hang of it. Her favorites are sweet potatoes and she LOVES prunes with apples. Her doctor was hoping that the introduction of food would help her reflux but it has not. :( He adjusted the dose of one of her meds today. She is really moving around much more too. If she could only figure out how to move her legs and arms at the same time she would just about be crawling. We are really looking forward to her first Christmas. She has already been wearing Christmas clothes. I really do not care if I am overdoing it, she only has one first Christmas! LOL!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Madison had her 4 month immunization shots and the doc said to go ahead and start her on food. Her first meal was pears and oatmeal cereal. She loved it!!!!

She also had her Christmas portraits done. She just amazes me with how happy she always is!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

4 Months old today!!!!!

Oh my big girl is 4 months old today! It is so unreal how fast she is growing. She is now rolling over all on her own and she has discovered that she loves sleeping on her tummy. This terrified me until her new doctor told me that is the best position for her to sleep in with her reflux. Bless her heart, she does have reflux. She had an upper gi done on 11-5-09 to see if it was reflux or a blockage. Thank God it was reflux, at least that can be treated with medicine. She had an okay Halloween. She looked very cute but the reflux kept her throwing up all night. She did get to spend time with her cousins Jenna and Allison and her little friend Layla. I am sure that Halloween will be even better next year. She is having her Christmas pictures done tomorrow morning at Portrait Innovations. I cannot wait!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On the 3rd of this month Madison got tickled and laughed! I also discovered that she loves to be bounced on your knee. She was either laughing about that or how Auburn was beating Tennessee. LOL!!! It is the sweetest laugh you have ever heard. She is also pulling up really hard. On the 5th she almost rolled over at Grammy's house. If she only could have figured out how to move her arm or roll over it she would have had it. She was trying to get to a pink elephant that was clipped to the side of the pack n play.

Monday, September 28, 2009

OMG!!! Madison had her first real laugh tonight!!! She has been trying to for the past few weeks but she had her first chuckle! I did get sad tonight thinking how much Cheryle would love seeing her beautiful face and seeing the huge smiles.
I read her first story from a Halloween book that her Grandaddy bought for her last night. She was very into it.
She put on a huge show for Grammy and Poppa today. She was "talking" up a storm!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My sweet little girl started something new today, burping like a man! I have never heard a baby burp that loud before! LOL!!! She can also grip on her own without help. The Baby Einstein ocean themed activity gym that Mom got for her is awesome and she loves it. The reflux has calmed down a lot but the teething still is bothering her. I got her first Halloween costume the other day and I know it is cliche but I got the lady bug because she looks so good in red and I loved the tights that came with it. She is now going to sleep even earlier (usually around 10) which is awesome! She still sleeps all night long.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Madison has added a new sound tonight. "Baa-lung." She already has been doing oooohhhh, ah-oh, maaaaa, ummmm, and her favorite gaalung.
She is doing the smiling and laughing more and more every day. The hubby and I just melt over that one!
Either the teething or the reflux does make it difficult for her to breastfeed at night. Sometimes I have to give her a bottle of expressed milk. The Orajel does not seem to do squat for her and the teething tabs only last for a short time.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting. We are going to a big consignment sale and I will have her in the front carrier and there are no strollers or diaper bags allowed. I will need to shop fast! LOL!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

This sounds crazy but I swear that Madison said Mama last night. She was having a screaming episode from gas or teething and it was clear as day. I know that it is probably a fluke but it broke my heart for her to be in pain and cry out for me. She had a huge poop a few hours ago so maybe she will have an eaiser night tonight.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Madison grasped her froggie rattle today. She had a much better day today than yesterday. The teething is really rough.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Madison is now 2 months old!!!

Wow! It is so hard to believe that Madison is 2 months old! I decided to start a blog because I am afraid that I might forget the little things. A really good example is that I had forgot that I threw up twice during labor and that the second night we were home from the hospital a terrible storm knocked out power at the house overnight and well into the next day.

At her last appointment she has the first round of immunization shots and she did scream and it was very sad. She weighed in at 10 lbs 8 oz. She does seem to be teething with is odd but not unheard of. She is still taking the Zantac for the reflux.

She "talking" like crazy and she loves to kick. I am very worried that she will catch whatever Rocky is sick with. He is being very careful not to touch her.